Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Is "The Secret's" Law of Attraction just hype

Is the Law of Attraction just hype? Have you found that the Law of Attraction from the bestseller The Secret does not seem to work for you?

So you have already read The Secret or seen the movie of The Secret. It has introduced you to some amazing ideas, especially the Law of Attraction.

You have probably read accounts of this experience changing people’s lives for the better. After they begin applying the Law of Attraction they begin to experience amazing success in many or all areas of their lives. You were convinced enough to try it for yourself, and have done so. If you are interested in this it tells me your efforts have not met with the amazing successes you had hoped for. Maybe you have had some success, but not nearly what you had hoped for, or maybe your attempts to use the Law of Attraction have met with dismal failure.

Is that about right? The Law of Attraction is an amazing concept, but there is more to achieving what you want than what you have seen so far.

Bob Proctor is a major advocate of The Secret. He says The Secret, as you see it now is incomplete. Actually, he says The Secret, as it is presented in the movie is a bunch of pop culture fluff! According to Proctor, there are 11 vitally important rules that make the Law of Attraction actually work. Now, who is Bob Proctor, and why should you listen to him?

Doug Wead, former Special assistant to the President of the United States, said “…Bob Proctor is the master thinker. When it comes to systematizing life no one can touch him.” He is the best selling author of the book You Were Born Rich.

The basic ideas behind the Law of Attraction have been around for a long time. Bob Proctor has been applying them for more than forty years. At first he was experiencing the same sort of disappointments you are. He was having some success, but not nearly what he knew it should have been.

He first discovered these extra pieces of information that you need to make the Law of Attraction really work years ago. Now you can learn to unleash a flurry of positive coincidences with the Law of Thinking; cut your failure rate with a new mental technique for using the Law of Attraction. In short, by studying Raymond Holliwell’s book Working With the Law, Bob Proctor identified the 11 additional laws that complete the Law of Attraction and actually help produce the results you are looking for! He is willing to share what he has learned with you.

Learn to use the Law of Attraction the way it was meant to be used, not in the incomplete and ineffective way it was presented.

Are you following the Laws of Attraction and the results are not inspiring? You can change that by using these 11 rules. Without them the information in The Secret is not complete. Use these 11 rules to overcome any stumbling block which has stopped you before.

The best part? You can try the whole thing risk free for 60 days! Learn to apply the laws, and interact with other people who are having the success you seek, and can help you make the successes happen for you. Act now, it is a limited time offer!

CLICK HERE! to make The Secret work for you!

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